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Federal Government opens up public comment on National Dementia Action Plan

1 min read

The Federal Government is seeking comment on its new National Dementia Action Plan, with a consultation paper now available.

Designed to shape Australia’s dementia response over the next 10 years, the Action Plan focuses on seven main objectives:

  • tackling stigma and discrimination;
  • minimising risk, delaying onset and progression;
  • improving diagnosis and post-diagnostic support and care;
  • improving treatment, coordination, and support along the dementia journey;
  • supporting people caring for those living with dementia;
  • building dementia capability in the workforce; and
  • improving data and maximising the impact of dementia research and innovation.

According to Dementia Australia Chief Operating Officer Anthony Boffa (pictured), the consultation process gives people with firsthand experience of dementia the opportunity to influence how the Government will address it moving forward.

“We know that there are up to half a million Australians living with dementia – which is projected to increase to 1.1 million people by 2058, so we welcome the government’s focus on ensuring the contribution of people living with dementia, their families and carers is central to the Action Plan from the outset.

“We support the Action Plan and will continue to work closely with the Federal Government to ensure that, when delivered, the Action Plan will be fully funded and provide a clear vision for the future, where all Australians understand dementia and all people living with all forms of dementia and their carers have quality of life, and that no one is left to experience dementia alone,” he said.

The consultation process is open until 31 January, 2023.

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