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Ilsa Hampton resigns after six years as CEO of Meaningful Ageing Australia

1 min read

Meaningful Ageing Australia Chair Nick Ryan has announced that CEO Ilsa Hampton has resigned from the membership-based Not For Profit, which uses current research to support the emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing of older people.

Ms Hampton, who serves on the Palliative Care Australia board, is Chair of the Australian Association of Gerontology Victorian Executive Committee and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow with La Trobe University, has been involved with Meaningful Ageing Australia since its inauguration, serving on the Board from 2013 to 2016.

“Ilsa’s leadership ensured that Meaningful Ageing Australia has had a seat at the table in contributing to how the future of aged care will be shaped. We are grateful for her passionate advocacy for quality of life for older people,” said Mr Ryan.

“Her work has also seen us grow from a collective of 22 Sponsor Organisations to the 110 plus membership-based Not For Profit organisation we are today, providing our members with leadership and evidence-based resources they need to find ways to carry peace to older Australians.”

Ms Hampton will step down as CEO in early February.

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