Ingenia Communities is still to submit a development application for a land lease community planned for Scotts Head on NSW’s Mid North Coast, yet the villagers are unhappy.
Scotts Head has a population of 899 people and Ingenia Lifestyle is exploring putting a minimum of 100 prefabricated manufactured dwellings, with a minimum of two people living in each, on bushland at Way Way.
Scotts Head Community Group has held back-to-back meetings and a Save Scotts Head subcommittee has been formed to liaise with Nambucca Valley Council and Ingenia Lifestyle.
Scotts Head Community Group claim:
- Ingenia developments do not pay development contributions to Nambucca Council;
- Ingenia do not pay for associated infrastructure works;
- Ingenia residents do not pay council rates;
- Ingenia generally do not have onsite healthcare or nursing facilities – there are no medical facilities in Scotts Head;
- Infrastructure, water, sewer and roads, Aboriginal cultural heritage and native vegetation and wildlife will be affected; and
- Bushfire threat.
Nambucca Valley Council has identified an alternative site of 14 hectares of vacant residential and village zoned land in Scotts Head supplying about 174 lots (Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020), which some believe a more prudent development opportunity.
Ingenia Lifestyle claims it has commenced a process of community consultation to hear from local residents, provide an opportunity for feedback and take questions.
“Ingenia Communities is keen to ensure its commitment to good design is reflected in its approach to this future community and that the project is sympathetic to the local context in Scotts Head,” said the ASX-listed company.