Topic - developments
Two southern NSW retirement villages receive $10,000 each in Council grants

Two retirement villages have received the bulk of a series of COVID-19 support grants by Murray River Council in southern NSW.

Moulamein Retirement Village Inc, which runs the Edward River Gardens village (pictured), and Mathoura Retirement Village have received $10,000 each out of the $26,975 in community grants awarded last month. Moulamein plans to use the money for electricity and maintenance accounts, while Mathoura will spend it on landscaping for new unit development.

According to Murray River Council Mayor Chris Bilkey, the grants are aimed at helping local community groups get back on their feet.

“Community groups can be just as important as viable local businesses, and we recognised that we have some organisations out there that may benefit from support through this one-off grant program.

“We were pleased to see some applications come in and are happy we can provide some support where needed,” he said.

Mathoura Retirement Village received Council assistance in late 2020 to build new units.

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