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Kathryn Greiner says “nobody is home” in village leadership

1 min read

Sitting on an industry panel at the NSW retirement living Council conference last week, the government appointed retirement village ambassador Kathryn Greiner was asked “Where are we in relation to residents care?”

She replied, referring to the banking Royal commissioner:

“What Hayne said is that changing culture starts at the top. What I see when things go wrong and the message goes up, there is nobody home”.

“It starts with the directors at all levels”.

“We haven’t got it right yet. (At community forums when asked about retirement villages) people love it and 80% say they would do it again but when asked if they would move into the same one (retirement village) only 50% put up their hand - so it’s not right yet”.

“If you haven’t got it through your thick heads it's too late because people have alternatives (apartments)”.

There was a reluctance by the audience to further pursue these views.

It is worth noting that Peter Dunphy, Executive Director of the NSW Department of Fair Trading made a special point in his brief presentation that Ms Greiner is an important and valued resource for the Department in understanding the sector.

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