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SA Government proposes four to six-storey retirement villages targeting single occupants

1 min read

The South Australian Government has opened consultation for the Accommodation Diversity Code Amendment, including encouraging single-parent families to move out of detached homes and into shared living.

“The aim of the Accommodation Diversity Code Amendment is to increase the number of well-designed, diverse, and affordable housing supply options across the entire state, to respond to these population projections and growth in single person households,” said the State Government in a statement.

The Accommodation Diversity Code Amendment includes: 

  • Allowing increased building height up to 4-6 storeys for large retirement villages and supported living developments to provide more accommodation for our ageing population to continue living in their own communities.
  • More flexibility in apartment design, by focusing on rules that contribute to a comfortable home, such as minimum bedroom and living area dimensions, rather than minimum total floor area.

“Given the increasing demand for retirement facilities and supported accommodation, [this] policy is proposed to ensure the sector can provide a range of housing choices for an ageing population,” said the Government.

Browse the #1 retirement and community living website villages.com.au and check availability for all retirement living and land lease resorts.

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