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Victorian state MP calls for rejection of Ryman’s proposed Mount Eliza village

1 min read

A Victorian state MP has called on the Andrews Government to reject Ryman Healthcare’s revised application for a retirement village and aged care home at Mount Eliza on the Mornington Peninsula.

In a speech to Victoria’s Parliament, David Morris, Liberal MP for the state seat of Mornington, urged state Planning Minister Richard Wynne to knock back the proposed $200 million redevelopment of the Moondah Estate to house 82 aged care beds, 35 assisted living suites and 104 independent living apartments.

“What is proposed here is a development with a footprint of nearly 15,000 square metres. It is not a modest, sympathetic extension to an existing facility, it is a massive development – yes, smaller than the first one, but it is an absolutely massive development with numerous three- and four-storey buildings,” he said.

Mr Morris argued that the development would effectively extend the town of Mount Eliza outside its urban growth boundary.

“There is a Mornington Peninsula planning statement, or localised planning statement, that expressly talks about providing a clear separation of the peninsula from metropolitan Melbourne, protecting the character and functions of the towns and villages, protecting areas of special character and having developments sympathetic with, respecting and enhancing the natural environment,” he said.

Ryman put a revised plan for the site to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) in April after its first plan was knocked back last July.

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