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WA announces expanded health and aged care roles in new Cabinet

1 min read

The freshly re-elected Western Australian Government has revealed a new-look Cabinet, including a reconfiguring of the health portfolio under four Ministers.

Simone McGurk has been appointed Minister for Aged Care and Seniors, a new portfolio which will focus on working with the Commonwealth to deliver more aged care places and freeing up hospital beds.

Meredith Hammat is the new Minister for Health, while Sabine Winton will take on the new role of Preventative Health, tasked with reducing demand in the state's hospitals over the long term.

John Carey has also been announced as Minister for Health Infrastructure, another new portfolio which will look to increase capacity in WA's health system.

The new Ministers were sworn in on Wednesday 19 February, with the new Cabinet welcomed by the aged care peak body Ageing Australia.

Liz Behjat
Ageing Australia
Western Australia manager

“Ageing Australia is especially pleased to see the creation of a dedicated Ministry for Aged Care & Seniors, with Hon Simone McGurk taking on this important role,” said Ageing Australia Western Australia manager Liz Behjat.

“These announcements come off the back of the groundbreaking $140 million funding commitment to Aged Care for new and innovative projects made by the Government during the recent election campaign," she said.

Roger Cook was returned to Government earlier this month amid a thumping win for Labor, promising $100 million in low-interest loans for aged care providers to help deliver 500 new aged care beds.

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