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Warrigal enters Wollongong with purchase of Links Seaside aged care home and retirement village from IRT

1 min read

Aged care provider Warrigal has expanded into the city of Wollongong, 80km south of Sydney, with the purchase of Links Seaside Residential Aged Care Centre from Illawarra Retirement Trust (IRT).

Located next to Wollongong Golf Course, the home contains 153 aged care places and 154 Independent Living Units, and adds to Warrigal’s existing portfolio across the Illawarra, Southern Highlands, Queanbeyan, and Canberra regions.

According to Warrigal CEO Mark Sewell, the home – to be renamed Warrigal Wollongong – is an exciting purchase for the provider.

“We have a strong history of serving the Illawarra community, and the Board of Directors and Executive Team have long agreed that we should grow in the Wollongong area to support even more older people. 

“It aligns with our values and vision of older people living great lives through a comprehensive, local and trusted aged care system. Our first steps will be to ensure the well-being of residents and any staff concerns are addressed,” he said.

Mark told The Weekly SOURCE that IRT, which had been entertaining other offers, approached Warrigal as the two operators have worked in the same space for 50 years.

“If we were successful, presumed benefits would flow to the 450 staff and residents at the location to have a more seamless transfer to another not-for-profit operator with similar values, and also with a local head office and support system,” he said.

The provider’s Towards 2030 plan involves moving towards more independent living and in-home care as a ratio of its residential care beds, and Mark says the acquisition fits in well with its plans.

“This acquisition for Warrigal is a 9% increase in our residential care beds, but a 20% increase in our retirement village numbers.  

“Warrigal has other retirement villages in the development pipeline for Warilla Seaside and Lake Illawarra Lakeside in Shellharbour, as well as Stirling Luxury in the ACT,” he said.

Warrigal will take over operation of Links Seaside from March 21, 2022.