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“We’re at crunch point” says Tom Symondson, new CEO of ACCPA

1 min read

Tom Symondson, the new CEO of ACCPA, has a lifetime of experience in aged care, but he still has his work cut out for him.

Tom’s former role was CEO of the Victorian HealthCare Association, the peak body for public hospitals in Victoria, which includes around 5,500 residential aged care beds.

But Tom’s association with aged care goes back to his childhood. His grandmother ran nursing homes in England, and he used to go to stay with her on site in his school holidays, talking to residents and hearing their stories.

Now nearly two months into the job, read about Tom’s plans for ACCPA at a difficult juncture for the sector, and what he’s learning from providers as he travels around the country visiting aged care homes, by subscribing to our premium digital magazine SATURDAY. Read the full story in this week’s issue of SATURDAY – subscribe here.