Over the past three years Westpac has been receiving applications and making funds available to retirement village developers at a higher rate than it has been funding residential aged care developers.
To appreciate this scale of funding now passing through the village and care sector, in 2019 aged care invested $5.6B in new builds and refurbishment, according to government records.
Louise Johnston, Director – Health & Aged Care at Westpac (pictured), told us at a private lunch in our office that they have over $2 billion in funding in the sectors at any one time and that the sectors are vitally important to the bank as a lending business.
Ciaran Foley (pictured), CEO of Allambie Heights Village in 17.5km northeast of Sydney’s CBD, also at the lunch, had that morning won approval for a new village extension.

But as Louise pointed out, the banks are keen to lend, but only when experienced executives are leading the operators. And their number are limited.
Interesting question: who will be the new CEO of the Stockland portfolio of villages now owned by EQT? Will they import a New Zealander, given they EQT owns Metlifecare and see the NZ model as the future?