A new Positioning Paper has outlined the negative impact of excessive regulation on the aged care workforce – and how it could potentially be mitigated by providers via technology.
The 26-page ‘Helpless to hopeful: Improved organisational culture, staff wellbeing and quality of care’ Positioning Paper by Appellon founder, CEO and registered psychologist Sue Jauncey looks at how working in a highly regulated environment such as aged care can foster a culture of ‘learned helplessness’ among staff.
As we reported in SATURDAY earlier this year, Appellon’s first pilot study of one aged care provider found that 84% of residents scored their carers as exceeding their
The paper argues that this impact could be addressed by providers by using technology to deliver psychological training to staff – which will be the focus of a new research project being conducted by Appellon in conjunction with Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) at Flinders University and aged care accountants StewartBrown.
Its aim is to eventually develop a dashboard showing the connection between financial performance, leadership and wellbeing of residents and staff.
StewartBrown and Appellon are now looking to recruit 50 new aged care facilities to participate in the research program. Find out more here.
You can read the full Paper here.
The SOURCE: workforce is the key challenge in aged care. Innovative solutions that deliver better health and wellbeing for staff could be a valuable tool for providers.
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