The aged care sector is “ripe with opportunity” for providers, Health Metrics CEO Paul Brindle told The SOURCE.
“The uptake of technology in aged care is much less than I’ve seen in other industries I’ve worked in, for example banking, mining, retail and manufacturing,” he said.
“It still amazes me. In many respects, they're still using paper-based systems.”
However, that’s changing with the growing recognition that technology drives better patient care, efficiencies and standardisation of processes, Paul said.
The sweeping reforms being implemented across the sector are also made easier by using a single platform, such as eCase, which has done “a lot of heavy lifting” to make sure their system reflects the new regulatory environment, Paul said.
“For those providers out there, that don’t have someone like us doing that for them, it’s going to be very difficult for them to keep on top of all the changes."
Technology can also be a tool to attract and retain staff, one of the biggest challenges the sector is facing, Paul said.
Paul will be joining Fiona Caldwell, Chief Information Officer Estia Health, Tony Judd, Data Warehouse/Bus Intelligence Manager Catholic Healthcare, and Chris Baynes, Chief Executive Officer DCM Group for the DCM Group webinar, ‘Roadmap to Reform: Leveraging Data to Boost your Business’ Bottom Line’ which will be held on 28 September at 10.30am.
You can register for the webinar here.
The SOURCE: Register for this webinar to hear from some of the best in the business how technology can be used to improve your business.