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NSW Health declared COVID-19 outbreak at Newmarch House officially over nine weeks after first case – same length of time as BaptistCare outbreak

1 min read

Good news.

The state health authorities have declared the outbreak at the Anglicare home in Western Sydney – which led to the deaths of 19 residents – over yesterday, 65 days after the first case was diagnosed in a staff member who worked six shifts at the home while asymptomatic.

37 residents and 34 residents went on to test positive for COVID-19.

Coincidentally, 65 days was also the same length of time as the earlier outbreak at BaptistCare’s Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney’s Macquarie Park which claimed the lives of six residents.

Anglicare has issued a statement, saying that the outbreak has brought “significant grief and loss” to the home:

“Devastatingly, a total of 19 residents lost their life during the outbreak. All of these were people who were much loved members of our Newmarch House community and their loss is felt not just by their immediate family but also by other residents and our staff, many of whom are only now returning to work.”

“This extraordinary challenge also highlighted the compassion and dedication of our staff, some of whom had to self-isolate and others who continued to work in difficult and unprecedented circumstances to maintain the care of all our residents.”

“We are grateful to the agency staff who joined the Anglicare team – and many of our own staff volunteering from other areas of our organisation to ensure ongoing support, care and comfort was provided to residents and their families.”

“We gratefully acknowledge those agencies that stepped up and provided critical guidance and direction in dealing with the unprecedented impacts of this pandemic. This included the Commonwealth Government, NSW Health, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, BaptistCare and other organisations from the aged and health care sectors.”

“Throughout the outbreak, Anglicare has also received words of encouragement and support from other agencies, the aged care sector and members of the wider community, many acknowledging the work being undertaken in extremely difficult circumstances.”

“While the outbreak is now over, the virus remains active within the community. Anglicare must remain vigilant in screening and infection control at Newmarch House, and across all our other aged care homes.”

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