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Bianca and Maurice Tulich sell three co-located villages to BaptistCare NSW & ACT

1 min read

NSW retirement village veteran and early leader of the sector, Maurice Tulich, has today announced the sale of three of his family’s five village assets to BaptistCare NSW & ACT.

The acquired locations are Kintyre Living Retirement Village and Lodge in Dubbo, Blue Hills Retirement Village and Manor in Prestons and Durham Green Retirement Village, Manor and Lodge in Menangle. Each location has a retirement village and aged care home and will complement BaptistCare's existing presence in these regions.

They comprise 410 independent living units and 251 residential aged care beds, with just over 240 staff providing care and services to 650 residents.

Maurice established Tulich Family Communities in 1995, having grown up in the south western suburbs of Sydney where his father was a market gardener.

Tulich was amongst the first private retirement village operators to expand into co-located aged care around 2010. Maurice’s daughter, Bianca (above), joined the business as they expanded into Dubbo and Wollongong.

From the outset, Maurice has been a very active leader in the sector peak bodies, the Retirement Village Association and now the Retirement Living Council, guiding policy development and government relations.

“We’re extremely proud of what we’ve achieved at Prestons, Menangle and Dubbo, but as a family-owned organisation, at this time, we have to make decisions which are in the best interests of our family,” says Maurice.

The sale leaves Tulich with two locations: the medium rise village and RAC The Royce at Penrith adjacent to Penrith Leagues, and Greenhill Estate, an aged care home in Wollongong.

Charles Moore (pictured), CEO of BaptistCare, explains the acquisition:

“As a result of the increasing regulatory pressure, funding challenges, staffing crisis, and changing customer demands we are now seeing increased consolidation in the sector.

“At BaptistCare our focus is on expanding our services within geographical clusters where we have a footprint, with likeminded organisations that will enhance the continuum of care we can offer our residents and clients across NSW and the ACT.”

The sale will be completed in March.

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