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Retiring Meath Care CEO: “big is not always better”

1 min read

The days of stand-alone community providers are numbered, according to many in the sector.

Yet Meath Care CEO Olive Wright, who has announced her retirement after 13 years in two stints at the helm of the aged care services operator, which has sites at Trigg, Como and Kingsley in Perth, WA, says there is still a place for community-run aged care organisations.

“While the Federal Government may have an agenda to reduce providers, I would encourage them to think very carefully as big is not always better. Meath as a small organisation allows the Senior Management Team to have a close relationship with residents and staff and can very quickly identify issues or concerns and address them immediately,” Ms Wright said.

“I have many contacts with small providers in WA and they are hardworking dedicated individuals and organisations that are providing excellent standards of care and services, they certainly have no intention of closing and or amalgamating.

“Meath is well positioned for the future, there is a strong Board of Directors, with strong governance procedures in place, with an experienced and well established Senior Executive Team. Our robust Policies and Procedures and well-developed IT systems that manage the clinical and financial functions of the business allows us to identify gaps and respond quickly in the appropriate manner.

“The centres and villages have high occupancy and are both performing well financially, which allows us to continue our focus on our Vision, Mission, and Values and I wish them every success.”

Ms Wright, who has worked in the aged care sector for over 40 years including at Uniting Church Homes (now Juniper), said Meath Care has plans to expand further.

“When the remaining part of the old Como Hostel was demolished, it freed up some land which we are currently working with an architect to build more independent living villas. The project is still in the early stages and is unlikely to commence this year,” she said.

“This project will be overseen by the new CEO!”

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