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Uniting NSW.ACT now identifies 68 retirement villages for rental

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Simon Furness, Director of Property & Housing at the Not for Profit, told The Weekly SOURCE the increased number of villages becoming over 55s rental villages was primarily driven by the housing crisis. 

“Some of our older villages provide safe, comfortable housing in vibrant and inclusive communities, but lack the communal facilities clients expect nowadays, when buying into DMF contracts” Simon said. 

 “We are gradually replacing DMF homeowners with renters through natural turnover in these 68 retirement villages.   

“We have 90 retirement villages and have identified 22 that will remain registered RVs for the foreseeable future. We are also developing new and expanding existing retirement villages.”  

Uniting NSW.ACT is seeking State Significant approval from the NSW Government for its biggest project Uniting War Memorial Hospital Waverley. It has approval for another major development project Uniting Charlestown, in Newcastle; also has development applications in for Uniting Kingscliff in the NSW Far North Coast, Uniting Gordon and Uniting Belrose in Sydney.  

Simon also mentioned the additional 147 independent living apartments, with 29 dwellings (20%) available as affordable rental housing for seniors, in the current redevelopment of Uniting’s Edinglassie Village in Emu Plains, 58km west of Sydney’s CBD. The second stage of Park Meadows by Uniting in Westmead is also under construction which will deliver a further 154 dwellings including a proportion of affordable rentals. 

Uniting has $4 billion of new developments in the planning pipeline across the next 10 years. 

Browse Uniting's retirement villages on the sector's #1 website villages.com.au

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