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eevi: Customer Service

2 min read

An investment in resident advocacy is an investment in sales – why your Care Technology partner matters.

David Waldie, Founder and Managing Director of eevi, explains why alarm systems in villages are directly linked to the value proposition that attracts buyers to your village.

He explains that new residents seek and expect high standards in personal security, and this extends to the care technologies in a community.

The first sign of delivery to expectations creates instant positive advocates for the village.

Residents expect a response, fast

“Every ageing person has in the back of their mind that events happen. A heart attack or a fall. All research shows a major reason to sell the family home and move to a village is the knowledge that support will be available in their new home,” says David.

“You can imagine their relief after moving in, to hear stories where residents received an immediate response; their big decision to join the village is endorsed.”

Questions to ask

“If you are reviewing your Care Technology service, here are the questions you should be asking each supplier – and they are not tech questions:

  • Do they know their customer satisfaction, such as Net Promoter Score numbers? Can they tell you?
  • Do they know their speed of answer numbers? Can they tell you?
  • Do they know resident satisfaction post-incident? Do they bother to find out?

“The tech is important. But it’s the genuine human care that residents easily recognise – and positively talk about. And we’re proud to see that with the 70+ villages we work with today.”

Exceptional experience, excellent advocacy

“The words used around good outcomes from an emergency usually come back to ‘luck’. Mary was lucky; help was reached promptly and the response centre knew what to do.

“Of course, it wasn’t luck that Mary got help immediately. It was because the system was, by design, best of breed technology supported by excellent customer service — and the reality was it worked when it needed to.

“At eevi, our KPI is a maximum of 60 seconds to respond to a call, achieved 95% for thousands of calls. This is twice as fast as the industry standard.

“Our Net Promoter Scores are industry leading, consistently above 70, meaning eevi village residents are keen advocates of the sense of security our service and the village provides them.

“We ask the question, ‘how likely are you to recommend eevi to a friend,’ because we’re committed to ensuring leading customer service, and we hold ourselves to the highest standard of care on behalf of our clients.

“And we take the time to contact every resident who has used our service in an emergency to measure their satisfaction with how the incident was handled. We know of very few providers who do that.”

Your customer is our customer

“The positive experience of your customer is paramount to eevi. It is not the technology or the cost/revenue equation that is success. It is village residents that advocate eevi’s service as part of the village experience.”