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“It’s Up to Us”: encouraging 1,600 attendee record at ACCPA Adelaide Conference

1 min read

It is encouraging to see the new single peak body for the aged care sector, ACCPA, reporting a record 1,600 delegates for its conference in Adelaide next week, with the theme “It’s Up to Us”.

“Each one of us must own our part in the transformation of the age services industry, and put into effect the change we want to see,” the Association says.

The Royal Commission strongly advised creating one voice, and no doubt the Government would welcome one true representative.

The next step is to earn respect by being positively proactive to work with government to solve the multiple challenges of the sector, led by retaining the existing workforce and creating revenue streams that make the sector sustainable to allow the delivery of world-leading quality of care.

ACCPA’s new CEO, Tom Symondson, will make his first mass appearance in Adelaide. It will be a two-way street: he needs to impress his new membership, and they need to impress him that they will give 100% support. First impressions count.

The theme is correct – it’s up to us. Adelaide is a great start.

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